How do you uphold fiduciary standards in your business?
We do not have a fixed inventory of products, nor do we earn any commission/incentive from any of the products suggested/advised. We do not manage assets but provide pure investment advice. Our earnings are only from the fees we charge our clients.
How is the advisory arrangement formalized?
The adviser and client need to sign a SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) mandated agreement before any investment advice is rendered. The agreement lays downs the responsibilities of the adviser, terms of the service and sets expectations for the client.
What is the basis of investment advice?
The asset allocation and selection of investments within the category depends solely on the client’s risk profile, which is reviewed annually.
What is a Risk Profile Questionnaire?
A risk profile Questionnaire is designed to evaluate a client’s ability to take risks and suggest the investment allocation/ products that best suit his/her requirements. It is a combination of questions to assess one’s Risk capacity – age, occupation, source of income & amount and Risk Tolerance – volatility in schemes invested.
How often do you rebalance the portfolio?
We believe in a long-term strategic approach to asset allocation and avoid short-term movements in the portfolio. Portfolios are rebalanced every year basis of allocation derived from the client’s risk profile, exits before depending on the client’s liquidity requirements.
Do you advise in stocks?
No, we do not advise in direct equity. We believe managed equities – Mutual funds/ PMS are a better option for generating consistent returns than individual stocks.
Will I be working with you on a long-term basis?
We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients. However, either party can terminate the agreement by giving a 15 days notice.
What is the difference between Financial Planning & Portfolio Advisory?
Financial planning involves an annual review of existing investments, goal setting and suggesting options. managing your cash flow to meet your financial goals like education, retirement, etc. Basis your needs and risk profile, we customize your portfolio that helps to meet your near- and long-term goals. Financial planning exercise can be done once a year, or plan can be revised whenever major events occur in the client’s life.
How often do you charge fees?
Financial planning – One time, based on the scope of work & recurring every year.
Portfolio advisory – Billed quarterly based on the assets under advice.
How often will I receive the portfolio update under advisory services?
Portfolio performance reports are sent monthly, while review calls are done on a quarterly basis.